The passport is a travel and an identity document, valid for ten years.
1.1. Who can apply for a passport?
1.2. Release times and validity
1.3. Request methods and costs
1.4. Passport in the presence children under age
1.5. Passport for children under age
1.1. Who can apply for a passport?
Italian citizens resident in the jurisdiction (the City of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories) of the Consulate General of Italy duly registered in A.I.R.E may apply for the passport at the Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem. (Registry of Italian Residents Abroad). For information on how to register in AIRE,
click here
The passport can also be requested by Italian citizens who are not registered in AIRE. In this case, however, this Consulate General will have to first acquire the authorization (Nulla Osta) from Questura in Italy or from the Consular Office of residence. Please note that it can take up to a month to obtain the Nulla Osta.
• were not born in Italy,
• have acquired Italian citizenship abroad or in Italy (but not through the Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem),
• have acquired Italian citizenship by marriage abroad or in Italy (but not through the Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem),
before starting the passport application procedure, it is necessary to ensure that your birth certificate has been transmitted to Italy for transcription by the Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem or, if the transcript of the birth was made by another Consulate, it is necessary to show a birth certificate issued by the Municipality in Italy If the birth certificate is not already transcribed in Italy, the interested party must present a certified copy (ie apostillated and translated) of the birth certificate for transcription in Italy. For information concerning the Apostille and the registration of birth certificates: click here
1.2. Release times and validity The biometric passport is an identity document with a microchip where the personal data of the holder – photo and fingerprints – will also be stored. Persons suffering from a disease or other impediment – certified in the manner prescribed by law – and children under 12 are exempt from fingerprinting.
Validity of the biometric passport is as follows:
• 10 years for adult holders
• 5 years for children from 3 years up to 17 years of age
• 3 years for children from 0 to 3 years of age.
1.3 Application and costs
To apply for a passport you need
a) Appropriate form available at the Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem;
b) One photo (frontal and in color), according to the model available
c) The correct amount in Shekel, which changes every three months (
currently 466 September 30, 2024), available
here. Payment must be done only cash and in ILS at the time the application.
1.4. Passport in the presence of children under age
Compatriots who are parents of minor children are hereby informed that, as from 14 June 2023, it is no longer necessary to present the other parent’s consent for the purpose of issuing their travel document, pursuant to Law Decree 69/2023.More specifically, the amended Article 3-bis of Law no. 1185/1967 indicates that, when there is a concrete and current danger that, due to the move abroad, he/she may evade the fulfilment of his/her obligations towards his/her children, it will be possible for the other parent to apply for an injunction against the issue of the document. The application may be filed with the competent judge at the ordinary court where the child has his or her habitual residence or, if the child is resident abroad, the court in whose district his or her AIRE registration district is located. The applicant must self-certify pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000 the absence of impediments to the issuance of the travel document provided for by current legislation. This declaration is contained in the passport application form and must be made regardless of the nationality of the other parent and even if it is an unmarried, separated or divorced parent.
For the purposes of issuing documents for minors, on the other hand, the obligation remains of the consent signed by both parents or by the person exercising parental responsibility.
1.5. Passport for children under age
Starting from 25 November 2009, minors under 18 must have an individual passport. Please note that children under the age of 14 must
a) travel together with of one of the parents whose name is automatchally mentioned on the child’s passport or
b) travel together a third person named by both the parents with a specific declaration signed at the Consulate General.
In the declaration the parents must indicate the exact details of the companion and the dates of the trip, attaching a copy of the valid passport of the companion. For the issue of a passport in favor of minors, parents or one need the following documents:
a) Application form available at the Consular Office, signed by both or by one of them with the
consent of the other parent, accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document. If one of the parents is not an EU ctizen his/her signature must be authenticated by the Consular Officer.
b) One photos (frontal and in color), according to the model available
c) The correct amount in Shekel, which changes every three months (
currently 466 September 30, 2024), available
here. Payment must be done only cash and in ILS at the time the application.
Information on the protection of personal data
Please read the information on the protection of personal data regarding consular services, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679:
Services Consular