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Digitation of visa procedures. European public consultation campaign.

We inform that a reflection is underway at European level on the digitation of procedures relating to Schengen entry visas, in order to make the processing of entry visas easier and more efficient for both applicants and diplomatic and Consular Offices

More recently, the European Commission indicated the goal of making the visa issuing procedure completely digital by 2025, either  through the possibility of submitting visa applications on a online portal or with the dematerialization of the visa itself, which should be issued in digital format.

As part of this preliminary phase, the Commission has recently launched a public consultation in the form of a questionnaire aimed at visa applicants, representatives of the transport industry and other stakeholders potentially interested in the exercise. The consultation is expected to end by June 3, 2021.

The questionnaire can be accessed through the link

or through the QR code you ca find below:

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